Error reading EnergyPlus results file - possible invalid file or 'out of virtual memory' error
Posted by Andy Tindale on 07-Feb-11 04:03 PM
The error message: "Error reading EnergyPlus results file - possible invalid file or 'out of virtual memory' error" may be caused either by trying to read in an eso file generated by a simulation from a different model or if there is too much data in the eso file to be read into DesignBuilder. In cases where there is too much data, DesignBuilder will usually crash following the message. The cause is usually an annual simulation with hourly or sub-hourly results requested in a medium to large sized model. The only solution in this case is to reduce the amount of data generated. Fitting extra physical memory will not help as there are limits to the amount of data that can be read into DesignBuilder.

If you really need hourly or sub-hourly results for the whole year then you should restrict the results to be only for certain zones, surfaces etc. This can be done using the Options model data tab.