XML not generated when model loaded into latest approved interface
Posted by Andrew Bairstow on 06-Feb-17 07:23 PM

Using the correct combination of DesignBuilder version and SBEM version.

DesignBuilder approvals are given for specific combinations of DesignBuilder and SBEM and XMLs will not be generated with an incorrect version. When importing an existing model into the latest release you will need to check the version of SBEM displayed in Project Details matches that on the SBEM approvals page.

If you need to change the version this can be done in Model Options on the Project Details tab.

Note that whilst a particular version of DesignBuilder may support interfaces to different versions of SBEM that does not mean that it has formal approval for all those versions. Again, check the SBEM Approvals page. New models should default to the correct SBEM for a specific use but again, please check the approvals page that this is an approved combination.



 sbemversions.png (14.11 KB)