Site licenses “Port 5053 in use, waiting…” message
Posted by Luis Sousa on 15-Dec-22 08:49 AM

If you are seeing the “Port 5053 in use, waiting…” message in your debug log (or on the console), that means there’s already an RLM license server running on that port. 

Port 5053 is the default port for RLM licenses.

So, to fix this you need to change the DesignBuilder client port from 5053 to something like 5060 on DesignBuilder licence file after the server hostID as showed below:

You will need to Restart the DesignBuilder License Server service to pick up the new port.
The port used on the client side at DB licence manager will also need to be changed to 5060

How to set up a new webserver port (move away from 5054).
For example use port 5056

1. Edit the admin_interface.cmd file supplied by DB and replace the line
@start "" /b "http://localhost:5054" by
@start "" /b "http://localhost:5056"

2. Edit the service_install.cmd and replace the line:
rlm -install_service -dlog "%CD%\designb_rlm.log" -service_name "DesignBuilder License Server" -c "%CD%" -ws 5056

3. Run the 

4. Typing on a browser 
localhost:5056 should display the RLM server interface page.

Here's also a link with some useful information about RLM management for multiple vendors.

One final note:
DesignBuilder can only run with RLM v11 and it is not compatible with recent versions of RLM.
Please find the RLM version 11 at this link: Site License Server for Windows (RLM v11) 

Please contact DesignBuilder support team if you need more assistance.