Import problems with jpgs and pdf floor plans

Modified on Mon, 07 Aug 2023 at 02:26 PM


Some scanned bitmap/jpg images can be very large and DesignBuilder can have problems importing them. If you experience this problem with large jpgs you can reduce the size of the files by importing them into graphics editing software and exporting with lower resolution. We find XaraX to be a useful and reasonably priced tool for this but there are many others you could use. You can even use the Windows XP in-built function functionality to generate a very low-resolution image for importing into DesignBuilder. Just click on the picture file in Windows Explorer, then click on 'Email this file' and you will be able to reduce the size of the picture. Select the largest size allowed when prompted and then in your email software right-click on the jpg attachment and save it in the DesignBuilder Data folder. The reduced-size file should import into DesignBuilder without any problem.

If the image is of an entire paper CAD drawing with borders and title blocks etc you may want to just export a selected area of the drawing.


DesignBuilder can only import 1 page PDF files. Usually, problems importing PDFs are caused by trying to import a multiple-page file. Also, very high-definition images are not supported for the same reason as above for JPGs.

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