Why can't I login to the site?

Modified on Mon, 07 Aug 2023 at 04:40 PM

If you've registered with the site but are unable to log in it may be because:

1) You have entered the wrong username and password combination. You can request a reminder of your username and password to be sent by e-mail. Click on Lost Password or Username?

2) Your browser is blocking cookies.  In Internet Explorer select Tools -> Internet Options... -> Privacy and make sure it's not set to Block All Cookies. We have a P3P compact privacy policy so IE should work in the High privacy setting. If that fails set it to allow cookies for www.designbuilder.co.uk or set Privacy to Medium High. Other browsers also have cookie-blocking options. For example in Firefox use Tools -> Options... -> Privacy -> Cookies to control the cookie settings.

Note: Cookies are strings of information exchanged by a website and browser in order to maintain information. They are needed to maintain site login or shopping cart information.

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