CIBSE Weather Data shows .stat file missing message
Posted by Luis Sousa on 15-Jun-23 11:00 AM

Since it is not mandatory, the .stat file is not included in CIBSE datasets.

We've set up a library .ddf file with pre-defined TM59 templates (2016 Future data set, DSY1, 2020s, high emissions 50th percentile) - See attached file.

You can import the file via "File" > "Import" > "Import library data".

Note that the relevant .epw files need to be present in the "Weather Data" folder.

Generating .stat files:

You can generate .stat files using the weather converter  ("Tools" > "Hourly Werther Data").

Select all the .epw files with missing .stat files, go to the "Options" tab and select "12-Statistical report files".

And turn off the Modify Climate option.

Click Convert and the tool will generate the .stat file.

 TM59_weather.DDF (1.56 KB)